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Use Your Head: Keep Kids Safe on the Playground

Remember this? If you do, you were probably a kid in the 70’s or 80’s. I remember hanging on for dear life as some teenager would try to spin us so fast we would become sick or fly off at record speeds. I can only imagine the injury rates that prompted the removal of these from playgrounds.
As parents, we all have a different “danger zone” with our kids. Yet, there is a balance between letting them play recklessly and engaging in the new trend of “dangerism” where we are preventing our kids from taking risks – risks that can be so important to healthy growth and development. Playgrounds are a great source of physical exertion and outdoor exploration, but can also be unsafe. Playground injuries account for over 28,000 injuries per year in Canada (Parachute Injury Prevention) and that while many kids suffer only minor injuries, approximately 10% are hospitalized for a more severe injury often involving the head. So, how do we let our kids enjoy the playgrounds, have fun with friends, and explore independently while still keeping them safe? Check out the following from “Caring For Kids” to learn more about playgrounds safety tips.

Caring for Kids:

Playground Safety