Occupational Therapy Videos
Solutions For Living proudly presents the twelfth episode in Season 2 of our OT-V series: Managing Difficult Conversations as a Caregiver.
In this episode, we discuss how to best manage those challenging moments where you as a caregiver, a caring friend, or an adult child of an ailing parent, need to engage your loved one in a tough conversation concerning their driving, the need for home modifications, or if and when the time has come for relocation.
In the majority of cases these conversations will be difficult, but the people you care for need your love, support, and guidance as they navigate a disease process, injury, or aging.
Solutions For Living proudly presents the eleventh episode in Season 2 of our OT-V series: Home Modifications on a Dime.
In this episode we will discuss home modifications and dispel the myth that they need to be extensive and expensive.
If you or someone you love is struggling to complete daily activities, needs the assistance of another person, or feel unsafe, there may be misalignment between you, what you are trying to do, and your home. That is where people often look to home modifications.
But before you consult with a contractor for a quote, we recommend you look to occupational therapy first. An OT can help you to determine what solutions, equipment or renovations will work best for your current situation and can also assist you to find funding or tax incentives to complete these projects.
To demonstrate some of the helpful solutions OT’s often use that won’t break the bank, our video will share with you our top 10 picks for some quick-fix modifications that are small, typically less than $100, but pack a punch.
Solutions For Living proudly presents the tenth episode in Season 2 of our OT-V series: Acquired Brain Injury — Cognitive Strategies.
In this episode we will discuss recovery from a brain injury. People with an Acquired Brain Injury, or ABI, often have issues with memory or other higher level brain activity after their injury, and suddenly, completing daily life tasks becomes very difficult. They may struggle with things like remembering names and faces, the things they need to do in a day, or they may even forget or lack insight that they even have an ABI.
Occupational Therapists have the skills to get many people with brain injuries back to everyday life.
Learn about the strategies Occupational Therapists use to help those who have suffered an ABI in this episode of OT-V.
Solutions For Living proudly presents the ninth episode in Season 2 of our OT-V series: Cognition and Aging — Keeping the Mind Sharp
In this episode I’m going to talk to you about some of the proven ways we can stay sharp as we age including:
– “Use it or lose it”
– Cognitive workouts
– Physical activity
– Proper nutrition and sleep
– Medication management
– Staying social
Learn about the importance of these activities and more in this episode of OT-V.
Solutions For Living proudly presents the eighth episode in Season 2 of our OT-V series: Managing Chronic Pain.
Pain is our built-in safety mechanism for telling us when something is wrong. Acute pain is meant to alert us that we’ve done something dangerous, like touching a hot pot or accidentally cutting ourselves. But when that pain becomes chronic and doesn’t go away, like bad headaches or muscle pain, it can stop people from being able to do many of their daily life activities.
Though Occupational therapists can’t necessarily make the pain go away, they can provide very helpful strategies for individuals to manage their lives with chronic pain. Watch this video to learn more about the approaches Occupational Therapists use to help those living with chronic pain.
Solutions For Living proudly presents the seventh episode in Season 2 of our OT-V series: Money Matters.
In this episode we’ll discuss a very important subject that affects 100% of the clients we see – financial stress.
The cost of disability is significant and comes from lost work time, medications, equipment, costs of personal care, therapy and more.
When struggling to make ends meet, people encounter stress, anxiety, panic, excessive worry, loss of sleep, relationship issues, poor decision making, and can result in addictions as a form of poor coping. You can imagine how hard it would be to heal from injury or trauma when significant money stressors are created as a result!
Watch this video to learn how an Occupational Therapist can help you or someone you love plan for future costs related to the specific disability and provide treatment to help you manage your finances more efficiently and deal with any associated symptoms.
Solutions For Living proudly presents the sixth episode in Season 2 of our OT-V series: Travelling with a Disability.
Let’s be honest, as fun as vacations are, travelling is stressful. The planning, packing, confirming all the details, getting from A to B, preparing to be away from work or home, keeping paperwork organized…it takes a significant amount of time and effort to put a trip together. Yet, if you have a disability, travelling becomes even more complicated.
Travelling with a disability requires very thorough planning, a supportive attendant, and an open mind.
We are often asked by our clients about travelling. Can I travel? How would that work? Would I be okay on an airplane? What about getting around a resort or beach?
Watch this video for some important pointers to consider.
Download our “Travelling With a Disability” e-book by visiting www.solutionsforliving.ca/e-books
Solutions for Living proudly presents the 5th episode in Season 2 of our OT-V series: OT Coverage and Extended Health Benefit Plans
At one time, physical health seemed to be the most important determining factor of a person’s health and wellness. Therefore, many extended health benefit plans include coverage for Chiropractors, Registered Massage Therapists, and Physiotherapists. All of these registered specialists are very valuable and necessary to address many health symptoms and issues.
However, as medical and rehabilitative sciences have grown, we now know that physical health alone does not determine overall health. Most extended health benefit plans have expanded to include Psychologists and Naturopaths to try to cover some of these service gaps. But still, people are not receiving all of the benefit they could be if they had access to OT — a professional that is holistic, comprehensive, and addresses the many challenges children, adults and seniors face throughout the lifespan.
In this informative video we will provide education about extended health benefit plans, and how you may be able to get funding for Occupational Therapy services for yourself and your family.
Visit CAOT for more information and resources.
Sign the Petition to include Occupational Therapy on ALL Extended Health Benefit Plans.
Solutions for Living proudly presents the 4th episode in Season 2 of our OT-V series: Promoting Healthy Caregiving.
Demands on parents and caregivers are higher than ever, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to balance working, scheduling childrens’ activities, taking care of the house, and still find time for you.
Life can get even more complicated if you are part of the “sandwich generation” – people caught in the middle of caring for children and aging parents at the same time.
In this informative video we will discuss some important strategies that can help you cope with the demands of caregiving and to help you take care of yourself first, so you will be able to care for your loved ones.
Solutions for Living proudly presents the 3rd episode in Season 2 of our OT-V series: Finding Work-Life Balance.
What is your impression of work-life balance? A lot of people find it a completely unrealistic goal that is impossible to achieve. Many people find life demands are simply keeping them too busy to take time to relax. However, 25% of adults report high stress which can lead to heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and more.
In this informative video we will discuss some important strategies that can help you find work-life balance and reduce stress levels.
Solutions for Living proudly presents the 2nd episode in Season 2 of our OT-V series: Occupational Therapy and Personal Injury.
In this episode we will discuss the key reasons an Occupational Therapy opinion is such an important part of any personal injury lawsuit.
Occupational therapy opinions and reports are a crucial aspect of outlining the impact of disability on daily life. Therefore, we increase the ability of personal injury lawyers to understand, quantify and put a value to compensation needed considering the losses sustained after an accident or injury.
Solutions for Living proudly presents the first episode in Season 2 of our OT-V series: Backpack Safety Guidelines.
When a child is selecting a backpack, they’re usually only paying attention to its colour and design. Parents may be looking more for its durability; it needs to hold up to being thrown on the ground, or stuffed into a locker. Both of these things are important, but have you ever considered the health implications of backpacks?
In this informative video we will discuss some important backpack safety guidelines for you and your children to follow when selecting, fitting and using a backpack.
Solutions for Living presents Episode 19 of our Occupational Therapy Video series: How to Safely Manage Levels in your Home if you Have a Mobility Impairment.
In this episode of OT-V we discuss the many ways someone with a physical disability can solve the problem of changing levels inside their home.
For people with physical challenges, stairs of any kind are difficult but yet most homes are designed with bedrooms and bathrooms upstairs, and utilities, laundry, and sometimes extra living areas in the basement.
Before you start modifying or changing your home to get up and down the stairs, talk to an Occupational Therapist who can lead you through some important considerations and make recommendations based on your individual situation.
Watch our video to learn more on how an Occupational Therapist can help individuals who are having difficulties accessing multiple levels in their home.
Solutions for Living proudly presents episode 19 of our OT-V series: Conserving Energy Everyday.
In this episode we focus on the principles of energy conservation including why it’s important and how to conserve energy when completing everyday tasks.
Physical, psychological, and emotional difficulties can make everyday tasks like cooking, cleaning, or working seem nearly impossible due to the level of energy required to perform them.
Energy is like a currency, we only have so much of it and need to spend it wisely throughout our day. Conserving energy during small tasks throughout the day helps to save needed energy for important, meaningful daily activities.
If energy is a precious resource to you, the tips included in this episode will help you conserve as much energy as possible throughout your day.
Solutions for Living presents Episode 18 of our Occupational Therapy Video series: Making Life Simpler and Safer in the Kitchen.
In this episode of OT-V we are going to talk about one of the most lived-in rooms in the house: the kitchen.
There are many simple ways to make life a little easier and safer in the kitchen. In this episode we will explore some critical safety concerns and ways to conserve energy in the kitchen.
Watch our video to learn more on how an Occupational Therapist can help individuals create a safer and simpler kitchen environment.
Solutions for Living presents Episode 17 of our Occupational Therapy Video series: Washroom Usage.
For some people the simple task of going to the bathroom can be a challenge. This may be due to a recent surgery, mobility impairment or another medical issue that impacts the bladder or bowels.
In this episode of OT-V we are going to talk about some of the tools and methods Occupational Therapists will recommend when providing solutions for safe and effective washroom usage.
Watch our video to learn more on how an Occupational Therapist can help an individual facing challenges in the washroom to ensure their safety and comfort.
Solutions for Living presents Episode 16 of our Occupational Therapy Video series: Solutions For Picky Eaters.
In this episode of OT-V we are going to talk about another common reason that parents seek OT services for their child – because their child is a “picky eater.” While it is normal for kids to have food preferences and dislikes, picky eating can be very concerning for parents.
Occupational Therapists can work with families to create solutions tailored to the individual child. In general we suggest some of the following tips:
– Remove the pressure
– Allow the child to “play with their food”
– Encourage food exploration on their own terms
– Maintain a consistent meal-time routine
– Introduce changes and new foods slowly – overcoming picky eating is a very gradual process
Watch our video to learn more on how an Occupational Therapist can help families overcome the picky eating problem and raise healthy, happy eaters.
Solutions for Living presents Episode 15 of our Occupational Therapy Video series: Body Mechanics.
In this episode we discuss the use of proper body mechanics when completing everyday tasks and activities at home, at play and at work or school. Why is this important? Repetitive activity using improper body mechanics can result in excess energy expenditure, fatigue, pain, and even injury or damage to muscles and joints overtime.
Some of these problems may arise from:
– a poor “workspace” design
– frequent or improper lifting
– excessive standing
– excessive sitting
– improper hand movements
– excessive energy output
Watch our video to learn how an Occupational Therapist can help to improve body mechanics and reduce the risk of injury and pain in the long run. We hope you enjoy this episode of OT-V!
Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy presents Episode 14 of our Occupational Therapy Video series: Fine Motor Skills in Children.
In this episode we will discuss how an Occupational Therapist works to assess and treat children with fine motor skill deficits, what signs may lead you to seek the services of an OT, and ideas to help strengthen fine motor skills at home.
Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy presents Episode 13 of our Occupational Therapy Video series: Return To Work.
In this episode we will discuss how occupational therapists can help to support the critical transition back to the workplace following an interruption of work duties due to physical or mental health issues.
In 2011, Statistics Canada reported that 5.9% of full-time employees were absent from work due to illness or disability. The costs associated with workplace injuries are vast. Studies have shown that the duration of work disability, as well as costs, are significantly reduced when the workplace has contact with a health care provider coordinating return to work interventions. In fact, well-designed return to work programs are now recognized as the best practice to reduce costs associated with worker’s compensation.
Occupational therapy is a cost-effective strategy to accelerate the client’s recovery and rate of returning to work. With an effective return to work plan coordinated by an occupational therapist, injured or ill employees can recover quicker and return to work faster, significantly reducing employer costs associated with workplace injuries.
Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy presents Episode 12 of our Occupational Therapy Video series: Managing A Concussion.
In this episode we focus on how OT’s assist in the recovery from a concussion and the management of post-concussion syndrome (PCS). A PCS diagnosis occurs one month after a concussion if 3 or more of the following symptoms are present:
• Fatigue
• Disordered Sleep
• Headaches
• Vertigo
• Irritability or aggression
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Personality changes
• Apathy
• Lack of spontaneity
Occupational therapy can assist with the recovery of PCS in the following ways:
• Education
• Ensuring proper rest
• Setting guidelines for return to activities of daily living, work,
school and leisure activities
• Symptom management
• Memory strategies
• and more
Concussions are serious and it is vital that anyone who has suffered this type of brain injury seek help to ensure proper recovery. An Occupational Therapist can help!
Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy presents Episode 11 of our Occupational Therapy Video series: Sensory Sensitivity in Children.
In a previous episode of OT-V we discussed the sensory seeking child. On the other end of the spectrum is the sensory defensive child. Unlike sensory seekers who have high thresholds for sensory input, sensory sensitive children have very low sensory thresholds. Due to these low thresholds, they experience sensory input much more intensely or notice sensory input much more often than their peers. This means that sensory input that may not bother you and I may be very aversive, distracting, threatening, or even painful for that child.
This episode will help you to understand this sensitivity and provide you with the solutions an Occupational Therapist can recommend.
Check out Julie, Brenda and Jennifer representing Canada in this awesome video showcasing OT’s from across the globe: “I Am OT”
Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy presents Episode 10 of our Occupational Therapy Video series: Sensory Seeking in Children.
Issues with sensory processing are one of the most common reasons parents seek the services of an Occupational Therapist. One of the most troubling sensory related concerns for parents is when their child is a “sensory seeker.” Sensory seekers are constantly “on the go” as they are attempting to obtain the sensory input that their bodies crave.
In this episode we discuss how an Occupational Therapist can help if you are concerned that sensory seeking may be a problem for your child.
Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy presents Episode 9 of our Occupational Therapy Video series: Improving Sleep.
A good nights’ sleep is essential for our health and wellbeing, however, many struggle with sleep difficulties. In this episode we will provide some tips and solutions to assist people who have physical or emotional barriers to sleeping to improve their ability to fall and stay asleep.
Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy presents Episode 8 of our Occupational Therapy Video series: Fall Prevention.
Did you know that falls are the number one cause of both brain and spinal cord injury in seniors? In this episode we discuss some ways to reduce the risk of falls and help keep you and your loved ones safe.
An Occupational Therapist can help you by addressing some of the main risks areas in the home and by recommending helpful tools and modifications.
Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy presents Brenda in the seventh episode of Occupational Therapy Video (OT-V): Ergonomic Assessment.
What is ergonomics?
Ergonomics is a catch-all phrase for the process of ensuring the body is in an appropriate position when completing daily tasks. Sitting, standing, bending, lifting – all these movements require the proper ergonomic position of the legs, spine, and arms to promote comfort and thus productivity.
Check out our informative video for information on how an Occupational Therapist can help in your office by keeping people at work, enhancing productivity, reducing costs, and promoting employee morale and satisfaction.
Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy presents Brenda in the sixth episode of Occupational Therapy Video (OT-V): Barrier Free Design.
What is barrier free design? It involves designing spaces, both public and private, to allow access for the greatest majority of people.
Some common barriers include:
- Curbs
- Uneven sidewalks
- Stairs
- Heavy doors
- Absence of handrails
Watch the video to learn more about these obstacles and how occupational therapists promote accessibility, and assist with creating a barrier free environment.
Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy presents the fifth episode of Occupational Therapy Video (OT-V): Wellness in the Workplace!
Today we discuss an area that is rarely talked about – wellness and mental health difficulties. Nearly half of all Canadians experience some form of mental health concerns at work. Mental health issues are the number one cause of short term and long term disability leave.
In this episode we will review how an Occupational Therapist can work with employees, employers and medical teams to help employees overcome mental health stressors and other stressors at work in order to be more productive and miss less time from work.
Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy presents our fourth episode of Occupational Therapy Video (OT-V): Bathroom Safety.
Today we discuss the most dangerous room in the home: the bathroom. For those with limited mobility, or seniors, it is important to consider the fall risks that exist in the bathroom to ensure that people are safely able to go about daily routines. In this episode we will review bathroom hazards and will discuss the many suggestions an Occupational Therapist may make after a home assessment. These might include mats, bars, lifts, benches or even home modifications – of course the solutions will depend on your condition, age, and the layout of your home.
We hope you enjoy this video and can use some of our tips to stay safe at home!
Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy presents our third episode of Occupational Therapy Video (OT-V): Solutions For Printing Success.
In this episode we explore one of the main reasons that parents seek our services for their children – problems with printing and writing. Although once taught in schools, the learning of this basic and essential skill is no longer part of curriculums. While many children quickly take to printing, many have difficulties. When difficulties arise, an Occupational Therapist can help.
Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy presents the second episode of Occupational Therapy Video (OT-V): Accessibility!
In this episode we cover the important things to consider when someone with a mobility impairment arrives to a home or building to realize that they may need help to enter.
We’re proud to present the first episode of Occupational Therapy Video (OT-V), explaining what occupational therapy is and how occupational therapists can help people with physical, emotional, or cognitive disabilities!
The University of British Columbia made this video that helps to outline the scope of Occupational Therapy, and how we can help.
This video helps to showcase all of the many skills and knowledge of an Occupational Therapist, and the various solutions we can provide to help people with their unique challenges.
In this entertaining video a couple of Occupational Therapy students develop a rap to spread the word about OT.