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It Pays to Be Proactive!

Recently on our blog we provided you with some insights on “sitting disease.” There is an increasing concern over the health problems that can be caused by our sedentary work lives including increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and the development of musculoskeletal problems. It`s estimated by Statistics Canada that the average Canadian spends approximately 50 to 70 percent of their daily lives sitting and another 30 percent sleeping. With numbers like this it`s no wonder there is a concern!

In the past, many companies have been proactive in their approach to assist employees who experience issues caused by prolonged sitting. However, studies show that being proactive can go a long way to improve the health and happiness of employees, reduce both absenteeism and presenteeism, and related costs. The following from Medical Xpress discusses how a proactive approach can increase job satisfaction, reduce costs related to absenteeism and health care, and help companies to retain talent long term.

Medical Xpress:  Proactive office ergonomics can increase job satisfaction and employee retention