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Be Prepared

The phrase “be prepared” may be the Boy Scout motto, but it’s for everyone! Disaster can strike at any time. While the size of these can vary, the one common denominator is that you never truly know when it will hit.  With the climate change we are experiencing, natural disasters are becoming more common. It is Emergency Preparedness Week in Canada and the Federal Government is reminding you and your family to create a plan and ensure you have an emergency kit prepared that will help ensure your survival for 72 hours. ( This kit should include the basics of:

  • Water
  • Non perishable foods
  • Medical supplies (like bandages, alcohol wipes, gauze pads)
  • Candles and matches
  • Blankets and extra clothes
  • Activity books and toys to entertain young children
  • And don’t forget about the animals in your home—ensure you save food and water for them as well!

We have written about Emergency Preparedness and specifically how this relates to people with disabilities in the past. We encourage you to please take a look at this valuable information: Emergency Preparedness.

Remember… always be prepared!