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Protect Your Noggin: Wear A Helmet

The warm weather has arrived and kids will soon be on summer vacation.  One of the best forms of exercise, modes of transportation and fun leisure activity for kids and adults is riding a bicycle.  While riding a bike is great for your health and the environment there are dangers that come with it, and it’s imperative to know the rules of the road and to protect yourself with a helmet.  In a previous post, “So I Guess Your Kid Doesn’t Wear a Seat Belt Either,” we discussed how, as professionals who see the detrimental effects of brain injuries, we are amazed at how many kids and adults still do not wear a helmet.

Education is key!  Please remember to be a role model for your kids, stay safe, ride properly and share these safety tips with those you care about.  Check out the following from Parachute Canada to learn how to properly fit a helmet and for further bicycle safety tips.

Parachute:  Follow The 2V1 Rule To Make Sure Your Helmet Fits Right

Parachute:  Helmet FAQ