cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expiredcURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expiredcURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expiredcURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expiredcURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expiredcURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expiredcURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expiredcURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expiredcURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expiredcURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired The 12 Days of Inspiration: Day 4 - SOLUTIONS FOR LIVING


The 12 Days of Inspiration: Day 4

On the 4th day of inspiration my OT gave to me…

A story of how a group of young high school students created a life-changing device for one little girl and are working to make this available to others in need.