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30 Day Healthy Brain Challenge: Day 13

Check Your Helmets for Proper Fit

One of the best forms of exercise, modes of transportation and fun leisure activity for kids and adults is riding a bicycle.  While riding a bike is great for your health and the environment there are dangers that come with it, and it’s imperative to know the rules of the road and to protect yourself with a helmet.

Learn more about helmets help prevent brain injury in our previous blog:  So I Guess Your Kid Doesn’t Wear a Seat Belt Either?

Knowing a helmet is necessary though is only step one.  Step two – you need a proper fitting helmet.

Check the fit of a helmet using the “2V1” rule:



























And remember… helmets aren’t just for kids!  Adults, please remember to be a role model the younger generation– wear a helmet, stay safe and ride properly.

For more helmet safety insight visit Parachute’s Helmet FAQ.

Be sure to join the 30 Day Healthy Brain Challenge, complete each day’s activity and let us know your progress!



























June is Brain Injury Awareness Month and in recognition Solutions for Living is introducing the 30 Day Healthy Brain Challenge. We challenge you to complete these 30 simple activities and tips which when incorporated into your lifestyle can help improve memory, boost mental health, prevent brain injury and reduce cognitive decline.