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30 Day Healthy Brain Challenge: Day 21

Learn Something New

Neurons in our brain have the ability to physically change themselves when faced with new experiences. This ability is called neuroplasticity. As we are exposed to new areas, tasks, information or experiences, neural pathways are formed and existing ones are reshaped. This will continue throughout our entire lives as we learn. So today we encourage you to learn about something new.  Pick a topic that interests you, or has always boggled your mind and spend a good 10 minutes learning more about it.  To go the extra mile commit to learning a new skill such as playing an instrument, a language, or knitting.

Learn more about the brain and how it is changed when you learn something new in the following care of The Huffington Post.

The Huffington Post:  What Happens to Your Brain When You Learn Something New

Be sure to join the 30 Day Healthy Brain Challenge, complete each day’s activity and let us know your progress!



























June is Brain Injury Awareness Month and in recognition Solutions for Living is introducing the 30 Day Healthy Brain Challenge. We challenge you to complete these 30 simple activities and tips which when incorporated into your lifestyle can help improve memory, boost mental health, prevent brain injury and reduce cognitive decline.