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30 Day Healthy Brain Challenge: Day 6

Get 8 Hours of Sleep

It is well known that getting a good nights’ sleep is vital to physical and mental health, but this is also true for brain function. Sleep supports growth and development in children and teenagers, and for adults helps to boost cognitive function, sharpen memory and more. Unfortunately, however, many of us struggle to get a quality sleep due to sleep disorders, injury or illness, and life or career stressors.

Learn more about how sleep benefits your brain in the following care of The Huffington Post and check out our OT-V episode “Improving Sleep” below to learn how to achieve a better night sleep.

The Huffington Post:  6 Ways Sleep Benefits Your Mind

Be sure to join the 30 Day Healthy Brain Challenge, complete each day’s activity and let us know your progress!



























June is Brain Injury Awareness Month and in recognition Solutions for Living is introducing the 30 Day Healthy Brain Challenge.  We challenge you to complete these 30 simple activities and tips which when incorporated into your lifestyle can help improve memory, boost mental health, prevent brain injury and reduce cognitive decline.