Julie Entwistle, MBA, BHSc (OT), BSc (Health / Gerontology)
Of all the ways I take care of myself, my daily walk outdoors with my dogs is one of the most therapeutic. The only things that keep me from being outside daily would be a horrible rainstorm or temperatures that are too cold for my dogs to endure.
Not only does seeing my dogs enjoying the scents of nature lift my spirits, but the fresh air, sunshine, sounds of nature (or my music, depends on the day), sights of the birds (the hawks are my favorite), trees (and sometimes deer, bunnies and even coyotes) distracts me from the stress of the world, even if just for precious mindful moments.
The below article highlights the concept of Nature Therapy and outlines how sometimes we should consider using the sights and sounds of the outdoor world around us for valuable healing opportunities.
The Hamilton Spectator: Nature might be the prescription for what ails you