

“MO”-Tip of the Week: Learn the Male-Specific Symptoms of Depression

Our O-Tip of the week series delivers valuable “OT-Approved Life Hacks” to provide you with simple and helpful solutions for living.

For the month of Movember, a month dedicated to Men’s Health, our “MO”-Tip series will provide you with OT-approved ways to take care of the men in your life.  

According to Movember Canada, across the world, one man takes his own life every one minute.  By learning some of the less-recognized symptoms of depression that are more prominently seen in men we may be able to prevent this.  These include:

  • Being irritable, short-tempered, or inappropriately angry
  • Spending a lot of time on work (they may be trying to escape their feelings by keeping busy)
  • Reckless driving, extreme sports, or other risky behaviours
  • Excessive controlling behavior
  • Alcohol or substance abuse (men are far more likely to abuse substances)

These behaviours are untraditional of typical depressive symptoms but mean that men who may benefit from emotional aid are often slipping under the radar for health professionals, and this can lead to disastrous consequences including poor quality of life and higher rates of suicide.  If you, or a man you know, is experiencing these symptoms speak to a healthcare professional.

This Movember, commit to walking or running 60 km in recognition of the 60 men we lose each hour to suicide.  Learn more here.

Learn more in our post, Stressed or Depressed” – Man Therapy