Our O-Tip of the week series delivers valuable “OT-Approved Life Hacks” to provide you with simple and helpful solutions for living.
For the month of January, our O-Tip series will provide you with ways to kick bad habits and establish good ones. This week we tackle one of the hardest habits to kick – smoking!
According to Smoke Free Ontario, smoking kills approximately 13000 people in Ontario each year. However, the good news is that the number of smokers continues to decrease yearly. How can you become one of the quitters?
A good friend of mine just celebrated her one-year anniversary of being smoke-free after 20+ years as a smoker. For years she discussed wanting to quit but admits she couldn’t bring herself to do it because of FOMO (fear of missing out). It wasn’t until she realized that there was nothing to give up and everything to gain that she was able to finally kick the habit.
Smoking is an addiction and quitting is extremely difficult. Many need to try different approaches before finally kicking the habit – for my friend, it was the book the “Easy Way to Stop Smoking” by Alan Carr that led to success. Some other proven ways to butt out are discussed in our post, National Non-Smoking Week– Be a Quitter!