Caregiving is a job. A job most people don’t apply for, aren’t trained for, do not get paid for, and receive little to no time off from. When a loved one is injured or ill often the job of full-time caregiver falls on the spouse, adult children, or other family and friends. Though many are happy to give as much love and support as possible in their loved one’s time of need, the job of caregiver can be isolating, exhausting and can often result in caregiver burnout and additional health-related concerns for the caregiver themselves.
Remember that you cannot take care of someone else if you are not taking care of yourself. You may risk becoming useless to your loved ones if you do not first take care of yourself.
The following infographic provides more information about the caregiving role and solutions to help reduce the mental and physical health-related issues that often stem from the job of caregiver.
To learn more about how to care for yourself or a loved one as a caregiver take a look at our previous post, “Put on Your Own Oxygen Mask First.”