How can you share five apples between five people and still have one apple left in the basket?
Four people take apples out of the basket and the fifth person leaves their apple in the basket.
cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expiredcURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expiredcURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expiredcURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expiredcURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expiredcURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expiredcURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expiredcURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expiredcURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expiredcURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired
How can you share five apples between five people and still have one apple left in the basket?
Four people take apples out of the basket and the fifth person leaves their apple in the basket.