Guest Blogger: Marie Phillips HBA, RRC, CFDS
Marie is a licensed financial planner with IPC Securities Corporation (CIPF member)
It is tax time…are you eligible for, or have you considered, contributing to a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)?
Anyone with a disability, or who has a family member with a disability, or who works with people who are disabled can attest to how expensive solutions for living can be. Medical equipment, assistive devices, therapy, home and vehicle modifications, and care can cost thousands to hundreds of thousands over a lifetime. It is important that people with disabilities consider all the financial options available and try to “maximize any freebies” if they can.
A Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) helps individuals with disabilities save for their retirement on a tax-deferred basis, with the added boost of federal grants. Learn more about RDSP’s in the following infographic care of IPC Securities Corporation and contact a financial advisor to discuss solutions available to you.