
Author Archive for: jentwistle


Julie’s Picks

I will be honest.  Most of my “leisure” reading is in the form of MBA textbooks, online research, and class notes.  However, every once in a while I get the chance to pick up a book that I would consider “interesting” even if still relating to my job as a health professional, my interest in wellness, or my role as a business owner.  Instead of trying to summarize these books in a book report, I thought I would provide “Julie’s Picks” for great reading about business, health, and keeping things in perspective.


How Will You Measure Your Life – Clayton Christensen.  My entrepreneurship prof recommended this book to our class.  And what a treasure.  This is a quick read, and relates business strategy to relationships.  My favorite part is when the author talks about how as parents we need to make “deposits” into the bank account that is our children.  Without regular “deposits” we will have nothing to withdrawal when we need it.  We cannot expect our bank account to be plentiful if we have not added to this over many years.  This is a lesson I have carried forward into my own life – even if it is just pennies a day, I need to build my fortune with my children and spouse now, so my relationships are rich later.


Lean In – Sheryl Sandberg.  This is a wonderful book about women in business. And not a girly book.  Sheryl has experienced immense business success in the male-dominated corporate world and talks about how women need to “sit at the table” and “lean in” to their careers while encouraging husbands, dads and partners to “lean in” at home.


The Fire Starter Sessions – Danielle Laporte.  A friend, and fellow entrepreneur, suggested this book.  Not only is it funny, informative, and forthcoming, it has worksheets after each chapter that encourage reflection, goal setting, and some deep thought.  The quotes in this book are inspirational, while also being somewhat unconventional and often “hit you in the head” obvious.  Danielle asks you to explore how you want to feel in life and then encourages you to do those things that make you feel that way.


A New Earth – Eckhart Tolle.  This book was the topic of an earlier blog.  As the book used for a post-program study for Hamilton’s Chronic Pain Program, I witnessed the impact this book had on people who were experiencing significant disability.  I read this in awe.  While having some very heavy content, this is mixed with practical and real stories that explain the importance of “presence” and highlight how people need to transform negative into positive thinking in order end conflict and suffering.


I will continue to share my picks as I find them.  Please feel free to also share yours.



I Just Got In An Accident… Now What?

Car accidents, unfortunately, are a common occurrence.  From fender benders to large collisions and pedestrian accidents, it can happen to anyone, anytime.  Are you aware of the right steps to take after an accident?  The following from the Insurance Bureau of Canada gives you step by step tips, and even a checklist to keep in your car just in case.


IBC: What To Do After a Car Accident


Terry Fox – The Legacy Continues

“It took cancer to realize that being self-centered is not the way to live. The answer is to try and help others.” Terry Fox


I was 5 when Terry Fox began his epic journey across Canada. I remember watching this on a television with bunny ears and no remote. He would run in the rain, fog, and cold, with his prosthetic limb and very distinguishable gait. Even in a world without the internet, Facebook, email and Twitter, news of his journey spread and touched millions of Canadians. Unfortunately, Terry died before he could complete his journey, at the way-too-young age of 22.


What I find so incredible about Terry’s story, however, is that it didn’t die with him. Even 33 years later Canada remains committed to continuing his legacy through education about Terry, his disease and his mission, and by continuing to promote and encourage others to run as Terry did, and to donate. My children will again participate in the Terry Fox Run this September, as I did in school before them.


According to the Terry Fox Foundation, to date they have raised over $600M for cancer research. But above the massive amounts of money raised, and the heroic action of being one man, all alone, dedicated to

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raising funds and awareness for an important cause, Terry set an example. He became a poster-boy for overcoming challenges and to have hope. He paved the way for others (Rick Hansen included) to do epic things to raise awareness, and money, to fight for important causes. He demonstrated, as his quote indicates, that being self-centered does not progress a Nation, nor does it raise a generation of loving youth committed to the greater good. The answer is to help others. In some way, or some form, to give back and make your existence matter. This can be as simple as a kind word or friendly gesture, or as significant as donating time, money or careers to worthy causes. We have a lot to learn from Terry Fox – still – even if he is only here in spirit to teach us.



Go Nuts for Nuts!

Nuts have long been hailed as beneficial to your health.  Despite the recent rise in nut allergies and stricter regulations in schools and public places, there are many who are able to continue to consume nuts at home and in the work place.   The following article by The Daily Meal discusses the best nuts for your health and the benefits you can reap from indulging in these tasty snacks!


The Daily Meal: The Best Nuts For Your Health