
Archive for category: Occupational Therapy At Work


Time to Power Down and Get Your Kids Moving!

Living in the digital age is starting to take a toll on the health of Canadian children.  In Canada’s most recent participation report card on physical activity for children and youth we received a D-.  Not a grade most parents would be happy with if it was on a child’s school report card.  The question is, how can we improve this grade?  To start, we need to tame the technology habit and get kids playing again.

We love the recent campaign from Participaction that includes commercials with a powerful message, like the one shown here, to encourage parents to “Make Room for Play.”

Check out highlights of the report from Participaction and take a moment to tell us how you think we can improve our grade and the health of Canada’s children.

Participaction: Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth



“I’m Bored…” Already!

It’s summer vacation time and with the kids out of school you may already be hearing the dreaded words:  “I’m bored.”  We’ve come across this great, OT approved, method to prevent boredom and help kids independently keep active and busy.  We encourage you to post the “Bored Board”  in your home and each time you hear “I’m bored” ask your kids if they have tried each of the items.

AOTA Blogs:  Before You Say I’m Bored… the Bored Board & Lots of Outdoor Activities


Prevent Summer “Brain Drain”

It’s that time again… The report cards are done, the bell has rung, the kids are excited and summer vacation is upon us! Summer is a time for camps, vacations, trips, cottaging and so much more! But where do they fit in learning? Ahead lies two full months of vacation from traditional schooling; which for many kids is enough time for their young minds to unlearn much of what was taught. How do we as parents make sure our kids don’t suffer summer brain drain, while still ensuring they get the break and vacation they need? Check out the following from Family Education for great tips on how to easily and painlessly incorporate learning into your summer plans!

Family Education:  Stop The Summer Brain Drain!


Personal Injury and Occupational Therapy: How We Help

Julie Entwistle, MBA, BHSc (OT), BSc (Health / Gerontology)

As one of the largest Occupational Therapy companies in the province, we are noticing a growing trend towards lawyers requesting an occupational therapy assessment and opinion in medical-malpractice, medical-legal, and personal injury lawsuits.  Why is an occupational therapy opinion so important?  Here are the key reasons:

1.  No other profession assess ALL areas of function in the place where people live, work and play – OT is one stop shopping for understanding the physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects of disability in the environments where people function.

2.  Our reports highlight the story of disability and include information on how injury has translated into lost independence, altered life roles, impacted quality of life and reduced productivity.   This is essential for helping others to truly understand not just the medical issues, but the LIFE issues.

3.  Our assessment and treatment recommendations see the big picture.  We highlight someone’s needs now and into the future, and can indicate how disability and dysfunction will progress as someone ages or changes in time.

4.  Our reports are not fraught with jargon.  Instead, they highlight very practical and real issues that are easily understood and related to by all.  They can help one best understand if and how the injury has truly impacted life and living.

5.  Our assessments are typically more economical than other professionals and our reports often highlight other assessment and treatment needs (both private and public) to help you and your client know where to go to find solutions.

6.  OT’s are also excellent at Future Cost of Care Assessments or Life Care Plans.  These comprehensive reports price someone’s future needs including attendant care, housekeeping, home maintenance, and caregiving, along with device replacement costs and the costs for future therapies.   These aid in the quantification of injury to increase rewards.

The bottom line is that occupational therapy opinions and reports are a crucial aspect of outlining the impact of disability on daily life.  If you are a personal injury lawyer and you are not regularly using occupational therapy assessments and reports in your practice, perhaps consider how this can aid in your ability to help people receive optimal compensation for their loss.


Concussion Basics

The following video by Dr. Mike Evans gives a great overview of concussions that is simply and easy to understand.  It provides parents and children with vital information about how concussions occur, the symptoms of a concussion, and some guidelines for recovery.

Remember, a concussion is a serious injury and requires treatment and rest to ensure the brain recovers properly.  Ensure you speak to your Family Doctor and consult an Occupational Therapist if you or your child has suffered a head injury.


Brain Injury: Are You Aware?

Did you know there are more than 50 000 brain injuries each year in Canada?  Are you aware that after suffering one brain injury, you are at three times greater risk for a second brain injury and eight times greater for other bodily injuries?  June is Brain Injury Awareness month and with the help of the Brain Injury Society of Toronto (BIST) and their campaign we are helping to share facts and create awareness.

Please visit for more facts, resources and personal stories and help us spread the word about brain injury this June.


Self-Managed Attendant Care

Did you know that in Ontario there is a direct funding program for people with disabilities?  This program allows people with disabilities to independently manage their own attendant care.  Those who meet the eligibility requirements will receive monthly funds which allow them to hire and schedule attendants of their own choosing, on their own timeline– thus providing more independence and control.

For more information on this program please check out the video attached and visit


OT And Personal Injury

When working with clients who have been injured in a car or other accident, most times we work alongside a lawyer who is representing them to ensure they are able to receive the financial compensation necessary to allow them to have the best treatment and care.  The following from personal injury lawyer Roger Foisy discusses how Occupational Therapists assist beyond the recovery, to help clients receive the funds they require to pay for the costs they incur as a result of their loss.

Injury Lawyer Canada:  How an Occupational Therapist Can Help Personal Injury Lawyers Achieve a Favourable Settlement


My Grandma Versus Parkinson’s Disease

Julie Entwistle, MBA, BHSc (OT), BSc (Health / Gerontology)

In honour of Parkinson’s Awareness Month we are re-sharing our popular post from last April:  “My Grandma Versus Parkinson’s Disease.”

I can’t remember how old I was when I was told that my grandmother had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. I was very close to my grandmother and, selfishly, was most worried about how long she would live. We were told around 10-15 years. To a kid that seemed like a really long time, but as an adult I now recognize those years can, and will, pass in a heartbeat.

Parkinson’s results when the brain is not able to absorb dopamine – the neurotransmitter that helps to control movement and movement patterns. Often, this presents as tremors, difficulty initiating movement when walking, slowness, and loss of balance. Diagnosis is often by exclusion of other problems, treatment is offered via medication and therapy, and the life expectancy can vary based on many, often unpredictable, factors.

For my grandmother, her Parkinson’s was not really noticeable for many years. But eventually, her tremors became more pronounced and the ataxic and shuffling gait more obvious as her medications became less and less effective. What seemed to help her immensely though was a positive attitude, stubborn drive to be independent, and the decision to stay active. My grandmother loved jokes, was quick witted, and was always one for a funny story. I remember helping her off the toilet one day and she said “I have the privacy of a goldfish”. She was remarkably independent – my favorite was when she stuck the gum she was chewing to her back-scratcher so she could get a piece of paper off the floor. She stayed active by continuing to curl and golf for as long as she could, then turned to water exercises and found Tai Chi. Within a few months of Tai Chi she was raving about how much better her balance and flexibility were, despite making jokes that in her classes she was always the one facing the wrong direction. She was always trying to teach me her moves (see photo of her and I when I was 16 – apparently perms, Cotton Ginny Track Pants, and Mickey Mouse t-shirts with your name on them were cool back then). I ended up taking Tai Chi myself in University for a while and we would often share the “art” together.

Yet, despite her best efforts, eventually the disease took its toll. Her desire to be independent resulted in a strong aversion to using a wheelchair which meant several falls that caused two broken hips (six months apart), and a year later a skull fracture and brain surgery. She survived these, but her capacity to physically manage would deteriorate after each event and subsequent hospitalization. Eventually her and my grandfather found a wonderful nursing home that provided many social and recreational outlets for both of them. One day I was visiting her and she told me she had been petting a lama the day prior. I went to the nurse’s station to ask them if she had been hallucinating and they said “no, there was a lama in here the other day”.

But the final display of her true character was the day she died. Told she was in congestive heart failure, she used her walker (forbidden by the family) to walk to the end of the hall where she sat down and passed away on the couch. It was her last display of independence, stubbornness and determination – the traits that had actually allowed her to happily live life “her way” despite Parkinson’s.

Today we celebrate Parkinson’s awareness. While my grandmother had this during a time when it was relatively unknown, this has become better understood and studied thanks to people like Michael J Fox who has turned his diagnosis into a crusade for a cure. I see many similarities between how Michael J Fox approaches his illness and how my grandmother did. Sense of humor and a positive attitude (see his books “Always Looking Up” and “Lucky Man”), and continuing to live his life by creating a new “normal”.

If you, or someone you know, has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, stay informed. Contact the Parkinson’s Society of Canada for local supports and information. Stay active in your community through modified programs, Tai Chi , or even Dance for Parkinson’s offered through the National Ballet School or locally at places like the Hamilton City Ballet.

And consider – if you or someone you know has Parkinson’s (or any disability for that matter) and needs creative and proactive strategies for managing well at home and in the community, consider calling an Occupational Therapist. We can, through education and equipment, help you or them to manage as safely and independently as possible.