Ergonomic Assessment, Education, and Training
Our Employer Services:
Physical and Cognitive Job Demands Analysis and Descriptions
Ergonomic Assessment, Education, and Training
Work Capability/Capacity Assessment
Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
Return to Work Planning, Case Coordination, and Implementation
Therapeutic Treatment of Injured Workers to Accelerate Their Return to Work
Executive Coaching on Balancing Work Demands, Productivity, and Health
What Is Ergonomics?
Ergonomics is a catch-all phrase for the process of ensuring the body is in an appropriate position when completing daily tasks. Sitting, standing, bending, lifting – all these movements require the proper ergonomic position of the legs, spine, and arms to promote comfort and thus productivity.
Ergonomic training not only involves large-scale learning, but one-on-one training with an employee in their role to ensure the right fit between the job, its equipment, and the person in that role. As people are all different sizes and shapes, and work situations and stations are different, these concepts cannot be taught in a vacuum, or via the internet.
Training needs to be done on the job, visual reminders need to be present for carry-over, and regular check-ins should happen to make sure the concepts are being implemented.
Who Needs Ergonomics?
All jobs involve some form of ergonomics in the workplace:
- Line work involves bending, reaching, twisting
- Work in the field ranges from prolonged sitting (when driving for example) to positional requirements when they arrive
- Office jobs require prolonged sitting at a phone or computer
Therefore, all employers need to consider ergonomics when thinking about employee health and safety. An Ergonomics Assessment is the right starting point.
Why Does Office Ergonomics Matter?
Everyone deserves to be comfortable at work – from the front line staff to the CEO. When people are comfortable they are happier, more productive, feel valued and supported, and are less likely to leave work due to physical injury from poor office ergonomics.
Everyone wins when ergonomic education is provided in the workplace and the principles that keep people working comfortably are introduced and maintained.
How Does Ergonomics Help in the Workplace?
Being comfortable means people can work for longer periods without suffering the consequences of static posture, and are less likely to suffer injury and thus lost work time.
Education about ergonomics in the office is essential to help people understand the important concepts and to apply these to their job. Everything from back injury, carpal tunnel, and repetitive strain can be reduced or eliminated through proper ergonomics.
Keeping people at work is the first step to enhancing productivity, reducing WSIB costs, and promoting employee morale and satisfaction.
Start with an Ergonomics Assessment for your office. Contact us for a complimentary consultation.