Physical and Cognitive Job Demands Analysis and Descriptions
Our Employer Services:
Physical and Cognitive Job Demands Analysis and Descriptions
Ergonomic Assessment, Education, and Training
Work Capability/Capacity Assessment
Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
Return to Work Planning, Case Coordination, and Implementation
Therapeutic Treatment of Injured Workers to Accelerate Their Return to Work
Executive Coaching on Balancing Work Demands, Productivity, and Health
What Is a Physical Jobs Demands Analysis?
A physical (and cognitive) demands analysis goes beyond the standard job description, as these typically only define the job to be performed in terms of duties and roles. In contrast, a physical and cognitive demands analysis digs deeper into the job and clearly outlines all the different demands that will be placed on that worker in that position.
Physical components such as lifting, carrying, walking, and fine motor skills, along with cognitive demands like visual and perceptual skills, attention, and memory are important to understand and document.
Then, when hiring workers, these reports serve as a reference point for ensuring the right hire, and are also essential in making solid decisions about someone’s ability to return to a job after injury or illness.
Who Needs a Physical Demands Analysis?
These are essential for all jobs that have a high level of physical or cognitive demand.
They help:
- The employer ensure they hire the right person
- The individual understand the demands in accepting the job
- A health professional review the job requirements when aiding someone back to work
Why Do You Need a Physical Job Demands Analysis?
How else are you to know if the people you are looking to hire can manage the demands of the job?
How else are you to answer to WSIB about the demands of the position if asked?
How else can you help someone who is injured know if they can return to that job, and when?
This gives you information to provide to a health professional when asked, helping them to render an opinion about someone’s ability to return.
How Does a Job Physical Demand Analysis Help?
It improves due diligence when hiring, helps people to return to work, and adds transparency to the role and its’ requirements.
Start today. Contact us for a complimentary consultation.