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Tag Archive for: Automobile Insurance


Ontario’s Auto Insurance Industry Needs More Than a Quick Pit Stop!

Though recent stats show Ontario’s rate of injury and fatality due to motor vehicle accidents are some of the lowest in the country, Ontario drivers are paying the highest rates of insurance in the country.  With high premiums you would think the benefits are the best possible, right?  Wrong.  As previously discussed in our post, The Government Gets it Wrong– AGAIN, premiums may be on the rise, but accident benefits have been cut once again.  A recent government report by David Marshall discusses these and other flaws in Ontario’s substandard auto insurance industry.  Learn more about this report and its findings in the following Editorial from the Toronto Star.

The Toronto Star:  Time to fix Ontario’s broken auto insurance system


Paying More For Less

As of June 1, 2016 the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS) has changed again.  I say “again” because in my relatively short sixteen-year lifespan working in auto, the industry has gone through some major plastic surgery.  It is becoming less and less recognizable as it is nipped and tucked once more, becoming almost unrecognizable as the mandatory product we all purchase to be covered in the event of an accident.

Learn more about how these changes will negatively impact those who are catastrophically injured in automobile accidents and options to protect yourself in the following from the Globe and Mail.  You can also learn more about the changes in our previous post “The Government Gets it Wrong—Again!

The Globe and Mail:  Ontario’s benefit cuts profoundly affect car accident victims