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Tag Archive for: eat local


What’s In Season?

Summer is on its way and with it comes the opportunity to enjoy fresh and delicious foods.  Eating local foods can improve your health and the health of your pocket book!  How do you know what is available and when?  Foodland Ontario has compiled a Fruits and Vegetables availability chart so you always know what’s in season.  Check it out here!

Foodland Ontario:  Availability Guide


Food For Thought: Eat For The Earth


April is Earth Month and in yesterday’s Earth Day post we discussed how eating locally and in season can help reduce your carbon footprint.  But this can also be better for your health and your pocket book!  How do you know what is available and when?  Foodland Ontario has compiled a Fruits and Vegetables availability chart so you always know what’s in season.  Check it out here!

 FoodLand Ontario:  Availability Guide