Happy New Year! For many of us, this is when we take time to reflect on the previous year, and set Resolutions or Goals for the year ahead. However, significant research highlights that many people who set resolutions or goals for the year end up abandoning these before the end of January. Why does this happen and how can you ensure the positive changes you wish to make come to fruition?
Check out the following infographic created by Weight Watchers: “The Life and Death of a New Year’s Resolution”
Here is a summary of this helpful graphic:
1. Set A Realistic Goal: Many people start December 31st or January 1st with the mindset that this is the year for change. They make a resolution to lose 20 lbs, or eat healthier each and every day, add $10 000 to their savings, or quit smoking immediately. These resolutions are fantastic! But are they realistic? You know yourself and your limitations best. Ensure the resolution you are making is achievable. Start small and build upon it.
2. Create a Plan with Milestones: If you are hoping to lose 20 lbs in 2015 it would be extremely unhealthy and unlikely to do this in one month. Create a plan of what is an attainable amount to lose each month to reach this goal and HOW you can accomplish this. If you’re struggling with creating this plan, enlist the help of a professional who can help you along the way!
3. Make Your Goals and Milestones Public: Use social media to your advantage! Making your goal public on facebook or simply via an announcement to your friends will help hold you accountable, thus helping you stick to your plans.
4. Celebrate Success: When you reach a milestone on your plan, it’s time to celebrate! Take time out to be proud of what you have accomplished and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. Knowing that you accomplished a small part of your plan will keep you motivated toward the next goal.
5. Use Technology: In the world today it’s easy to find apps, and devices to help you reach your goal. Whether looking to save money, reduce debt, lose weight or kick a bad habit, as Apple says: “there’s an app for that!” Invest in a FitBit (or other wearable device) or app to help you with your goals.
Whatever your resolution we hope these tips help you to make 2016 your healthiest and happiest year yet!
Originally posted January 5 2015.