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Tag Archive for: hydration


Help with Hydration – How Many Glasses Do You Really Need?

Hydration is important at any age and at any time of the year, but especially during the hot summer months.  We all have heard of the “eight glasses a day” rule, but is this the right amount for everyone?  The answer is not as simple as you think.  Depending on your age, overall health, and activity level the required amount may vary.  Take a look at the following from Reader’s Digest to learn more about the amount of water you should strive to drink each day and other tips to keep you well hydrated.

Reader’s Digest:  How Much Water Should You Drink to Stay Hydrated?


Foods For Hydration

Summer has arrived and with extreme heat the risk of dehydration is heightened.  Drinking 8 glasses of water a day is the easiest way to ensure proper hydration, but there are some foods that can help.  The following from Health Magazine provides you with an overview of the best foods to prevent dehydration.


Health Magazine:  15 Foods That Help You Stay Hydrated

For more tips on staying hydrated check out our post:  “Hydrate For Health.


Hydrate For Health

Sunday March 22nd was World Water Day.  A day to celebrate one of the most important and scare resources on the planet.  Water is extremely important to our bodies and we cannot live without it.  The following article from discusses the importance of hydration, the risks of dehydration, how much water your body requires, and tips to ensure you are getting enough.  On World Water Day,  and every day,  remember to take care of your body by drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day and think about helping others who do not have access to this precious resource.  Hydration: Why It’s So Important

There are many Canadian Organizations who focus on bringing clean water to those without access.  Some of these great organizations are listed here to help you find information on ways to donate to and how help those in need.


We invite you to check out more healthy tips on our Food for Thought page.