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Tag Archive for: inspirational video


Daily Dose of Inspiraiton

Cynthia was paralyzed and felt hopeless that she would ever walk again.  However, after discovering a new motivational trend, “give it 100”, she began her inspirational journey.  Check out Cynthia’s amazing story.


Daily Dose of Inspiration

The “Gift of Life” dragon boat team is competing to raise awareness about the importance of organ donation.  The team is comprised of those who have received organs and mothers of children who through tragedy, gave organs to save others.  Together they are paddling to make a difference.   See more of their inspirational story here.


Daily Dose of Inspiration

The following is the inspirational story of how Sabrina Cohen, a survivor of a car accident which left her paralyzed, has taken her experience and devoted her life to help others in need of treatment and to teach and mentor youth to drive responsibly and safely.



Daily Dose of Inspiration

The following video created by Headway Brain Injury Services shows a collection of beautiful artwork created by survivors of brain injury. While the effects of brain injury can be devastating, these survivors decided create something beautiful to share with others and generate awareness about brain injury.


Daily Dose of Inspiration

Brianna suffered a traumatic brain injury at a very young age and was told she would never be able to do the things other kids can do like read, write or even ride her bike. But, like many determined people recovering from something traumatic, Brianna proved them wrong. She has now dedicated her life to helping others who

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have suffered a TBI. See her story here.



Daily Dose of Inspiration

Randy Pausch, a college professor, was given only a short time to live after a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. During his last days Randy became an inspiration to the world by spreading his message about living your life to the fullest. In Randy’s words: “It is not the things we do in life that we regret on our deathbed, it is the things we do not.”


Daily Dose of Inspiration

The following video from Thailand reminds us that it’s the little things we do that can make a big difference to someone else. And that by giving, we receive the best gifts in return.