
Author Archive for: eridpath


Technology and Anxiety

Guest Blogger:  Susan Wang, MSc (OT)

Technology has increased access to information, entertainment, and connection with others.  However, it is not without consequences. With the rise of social media and the prevalence of smartphones, people are spending more and more of their lives looking at screens. Teenagers and young adults are particularly susceptible to the negative adverse effects of excessive technology use due to their developing brains and progression into adulthood.

Adolescence is a time of learning, growing, and challenges. Wanting to fit in, developing social relationships, and figuring out your identity are important pillars of adolescence. Social media provides a platform in which adolescents are able to satisfy their need for belonging and social interaction. However, excessive use of social media also increases the risk of several mental health symptoms, including depression and anxiety.

Staying in touch through technology has become a normalized way to connect with each other.  Data indicates that 88% of teens say they spend time with friends through texting, and 55% say they text their friends every day. The numbers are likely higher in 2020. There is increasing evidence supporting a link between social media use and higher levels of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem amongst adolescents.  These findings can be attributed to a number of factors. For example, anxious adolescents tend to use social media more; this is consistent with previous findings in which adolescents higher in neuroticism prefer social uses of the internet. Furthermore, depressed adolescents may use social media more to regulate their low mood, causing a cyclic reaction that further exacerbates those symptoms. Other studies have found a linear association between the number of social media platforms used and depression and anxiety.  It has been found that individuals who used 7-11 social media platforms had substantially higher odds of having increased levels of depression and anxiety symptoms, compared to those who used 0-2 social media platforms.

Another factor contributing to poor mental health stems from the fact that many adolescents engage in nighttime use of their smartphones, resulting in later bedtimes and poorer sleep quality which also contributes to anxiety and depression.  It has been found that teenagers aged 15-19 who were regular users of mobile phones reported health symptoms such as tiredness, stress, headache, anxiety, concentration difficulties, and sleep disturbances more often than less frequent users.  Additionally, studies show that nighttime social media use was a predictor for poorer sleep quality.

There are several components of social media that cause stress and anxiety, including:

  • Seeing friends posting about events you weren’t invited to
  • Comparing your life/appearance to that of others you see on social media
  • Feeling pressured to post positive content about your life
  • Anxiety associated with getting comments and likes on your posts


Fomo is defined as apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent and a desire to stay continually connected with what others are doing. 

The term FOMO is associated with the first component of social-media induced stressors. For adolescents, being invited to events and having social interactions is extremely important to satisfy their sense of social connectedness and a sense of belonging. Seeing posts of their peers engaged in activities which they weren’t invited to causes FOMO. Why wasn’t I invited? Is it because they don’t consider me a good friend? What if everyone’s talking about this party on Monday and I can’t contribute?

Adolescents with predispositions of psychopathological problems (especially anxiety and depression) could develop higher FOMO because of their existing perceived social deficits. Individuals with poor emotional state and life satisfaction are also more likely to confront FOMO. Research has shown that social media users with high FOMO are more likely to spend more time on social media and suffer from depressive and anxious feelings. They may feel compelled to check their social media more often to keep up to date with their friends’ plans and activities, further feeding into a cyclic cycle of social media usage and symptom exacerbation.

“As being connected is of utmost importance in adolescents, young teens use social media prominently more in order to achieve greater levels of social involvement. By using social media, adolescents may satisfy their need to belong, but they also have greater risk of suffering from anxiety when they feel they are missing out on important shared experiences, or feel that they do not belong” (Oberst et al., 2017).

Common Symptoms of Social Media Anxiety

  • Interrupting conversations to check your social media accounts
  • Lying to others about how much time you spend on social media
  • Withdrawal from friends and family
  • Trying to stop or reduce your use of social media more than once before without being successful
  • Loss of interest in other activities
  • Neglecting work or school to comment on a social media account
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you are not able to access social media
  • Spending over six hours per day on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram
  • An overwhelming need to share things with others on social media sites
  • Having your phone with you 24 hours a day to check your social media sites
  • Using social media more often than you planned
  • Severe nervousness or anxiety when you are not able to check your notifications
  • Negative impacts in your personal or professional life due to social media usage

Tips to Help With Social Media Anxiety: for Teens and Parents

  • Think critically about the accounts you choose to follow and unfollow accounts you are comparing yourself to, or that make you feel anxious or self-conscious
  • Recognize that everything on social media is highly orchestrated and not reflective of reality.
    • Think back to moments from your own life that you’ve omitted from social media
    • The “perfect” people you follow likely have the same negative experiences that they are not posting for everyone to see
  • Screen Time on your iPhone allows you to track how much time you are spending on your phone as well as on each app.
    • Set a limit on your phone to how much time you spend on each app.
    • When you reach the daily limit, your phone will automatically stop those apps and display a message indicating you have reached your daily limit
  • Set screen-free times where you put your phone away completely and spend time doing other activities.
    • This can be a goal set together as a family, for example, at night for an hour before bed, turn off all phones and spend time together as a family watching a movie.
  • When you start to feel anxious or experience negative thoughts about yourself, put your phone down.
    • Find another activity to keep your hands busy instead (adult colouring books, knitting, painting, exercising, etc)
  • Practice mindfulness to become aware of your surroundings
  • Spend more time outside with friends
  • Participate in a social anxiety group to relate to others with similar issues


Duggan, M., & Smith, A. (2013). Demographics of key social networking platforms. Pew Internet & American Life Project. Retrieved from

Oberst, U., Wegmann, E., Stoft, B., Brand, M., & Chamarro, A. (2017). Negative consequences from heavy social networking in adolescents: The mediating role of fear of missing out. Journal of Adolescence, 55, 51-60.

Hamburger, Y.A., & Ben-Artzi, E. The relationship between extraversion and neuroticism and the different uses of the Internet. Computers in Human Behaviour, 16 (4), 441-449.

Van Der Goot, M., Beentjes, J. J., & Van Selm, M. (2012). Meanings of television in older adults’ lives: an analysis of change and continuity in television viewing. Ageing & Society, 32(1). 147-168

Primack, B,A., Shensa, A., Escobar-Veira, C.G., Barrett, E.L., Sidani, J,E,, Colditz, J,B,, & Everette-James, A. (2017) Use of multiple social media platforms and symptoms of depression and anxiety: A nationally-representative study among U.S. young adults. Computers in Human
Behavior, 69 , 1-9.

Woods, H.C., & Scott, H. (2016). #Sleepyteens: Social media use in adolescence is associated with poor sleep quality, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. Journal of Adolescence, 51. 41-49.)

Jackson, ML, Sztendur, EM, Diamond, NT, Byles, JE, & Bruck, D. (2014). Sleep difficulties and the development of depression and anxiety: a longitudinal study of young Australian women. Arch Women’s Men Health, 17 (3), 189-198.

Dhir, A., Yossatorn, Y., Kaur, P., Chen, S. (2018). Online social media fatigue and psychological wellbeing—A study of compulsive use, fear of missing out, fatigue, anxiety and depression.  International Journal of Information Management, 40 , 141-152.

Desjarlais, M,, & Willoughby, T. (2010). A longitudinal study of the relation between adolescent boys and girls’ computer use with friends and friendship quality: Support for the social compensation or the rich-get-richer hypothesis? Computers in Human Behaviour, 26 (5), 896-905.

University of British Columbia (2019). Social Media Anxiety Disorder. Retrieved from

Fader, S. (2018) Anxiety and Depression Association of American – Social Media Obsession and Anxiety. Retrieved from

Cuncic, A. (2019) Very Well Mind – Social Media and Social Anxiety Disorder. Retrieved from

Shafer, L. (2017). Harvard Graduate School of Education – Usable Research. Social Media and Teen Anxiety . Retrieved from

Soderqvist, F., Carlberg, M., & Hardell, L. (2008). Use of wireless telephones and self-reported health symptoms: a population-based study among Swedish adolescents aged 15–19 years.  Environ Health, 7: 18-10.1186/1476-069X-7-18.

Lenhart, A. (2015). Pew Research Center – Report: Teens, Technology and Friendships. Retrieved from



What is Recreation Therapy?

Recreation therapists are certified professionals who work along with a team of health professionals to assist people in achieving optimal quality of life through participation in leisure and recreation.

Therapeutic Recreation Ontario defines Recreation therapy as “a process that utilizes functional intervention, education, and recreation participation to enable persons with physical, cognitive, emotional and/or social limitations to acquire and/or maintain the skills, knowledge, and behaviours that will allow them to enjoy their leisure optimally, function independently with the least amount of assistance and participate as fully as possible in society.”

February is Recreation Therapy Month.  Learn more about this helpful therapy and how it can benefit those struggling with mental illness in the following care of CAMH.

CAMH:  Enhancing life with meaningful activity



My Animals Support Me, But Are Not Support Animals

Julie Entwistle, C.Dir. (c), MBA, BHSc (OT), BSc (Health / Gerontology)

Every day I benefit from the love of my animals.  In fact, being an animal owner is not only part of my lifestyle, but has absolutely become part of who I am.  My animals provide me with love, comfort, they calm me and make me smile and laugh.  I have one at my feet right now and he is the one that tends to keep an eye on me – never too far away, watching, waiting, and looking for moments to connect with me, steal some cuddles or give me a quick wag to show his support.  My animals also provide comfort and security to my children and it is not uncommon to see a kid doing homework or relaxing in her room while surrounded by her four-legged beasts much like Snow White.  However, like children, animals are not always easy and at times can be all-consuming, frustrating, and difficult to manage.  Pets are not for everyone, especially during times of trauma, transition, or change.  In the end, my dogs provide me and my family with a “service”, but these are far from “service animals”.  I will explain.

Pets are animals that we keep inside to provide us all the comforts and joys that animals can provide.  Sure, we take them outside, but that is equally for their benefit as it is for ours (dog parks, nature walks, doggie play dates).  Maybe to the vet, groomers or to visit with dog-friendly friends.  But pets are typically a hot mess in public spaces.  My dogs are wonderful at home and are trained to be good here, but If I took one of them to a restaurant he would pretend to be looking for some affection while simultaneously snatching the steak off my plate, or diving to grab that roll that landed on the floor.  He would be underfoot and anxious, nervous of the chaos and commotion.  And in getting him into the restaurant he would not hesitate to chase a squirrel across the road while dragging me as the leash holder into traffic with him.  After all he is a pet; he is not trained in how to properly manage public spaces.

True service animals are pets, sure, because they provide all the supports of an animal at home.  But they are also exceptionally well trained to behave in public.  They can navigate public spaces with focus, comfort and ease because they have experience here, and know what is expected.  They are not distracted by squirrels or steak and get used to being so attentive to their owners such that affection from strangers when out of the home is not something they crave.  They are trained to react to situations with consistency and based on what the owner needs – they will not jump on someone in an elevator, bark, urinate in the lobby, or wrap their leash around someone’s leg.  They won’t bite anyone because they are screened as non-aggressive and are trained to have restraint (unless they are a trained guard dog in which case they provide owner protection on appropriate command).  Service animals provide just that – a “service” to someone in need.  They are not just “pets in a vest out in public.”

In Ontario, owners of service animals, in addition to donning the animal in a vest, are required to carry a “prescription” to explain that they need the dog in public spaces.  This “prescription” can be written by a health professional, and to protect the privacy of the animal owner, is often discrete and vague (“requires the service animal for medical reasons or reasons of mental health”).  Many people with these scripts won’t look or act disabled on the surface, hence the need for supporting documentation.  Unfortunately, with service and support dog vests available online, the note becomes necessary to prove a need and to allow the owner of an establishment to be comfortable having the animal inside.

As occupational therapists, we can provide these scripts and notes to owners of service and support animals.  In many settings, we also assist people to obtain funding for the animal and its training.  What we need to understand, however, is the responsibility that comes with this.  Should the animal misbehave at home or in public and harms someone or the owner, the prescriber of the animal could prove liable as the one indicating the animal was needed and was suitable for the purposes of service and support.  To protect ourselves from this, there are things we should consider:

1.      Ensure the animal is not a pet in the first place.  Confirm that the animal is trained, has been vetted to be suitable, and can handle the important responsibilities that come with wearing a service animal vest.  The best way to do this is to ensure the animal was provided by a reputable facility that works with animals for this purpose.  A list of such facilities in Ontario is included below.

2.      Ensure your note has an expiry date.  An open-ended script that could be carried for years or decades does not ensure that you are referring to “this animal” at “this time”.  Consider dating your script to ensure it is reviewed perhaps annually like other processes that involve our signature (parking permits, tax forms, etc.).

3.      Recognize that supporting the funding for someone to obtain or purchase an animal could also be considered a “script” whereby you are taking ownership for this animal as a service dog.  If you complete a letter of recommendation, complete with funding support, that could be enough for someone to carry with them, written by an “occupational therapist” as proof of the need.

4.      In the cases of mental health, consider the value of having this prescribed by a psychologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist if warranted.  Consider your own knowledge, skills, and experience with the client and their disability in recommending this type of need.  Ensure there is an appropriate diagnosis of mental health which is best obtained from a registered mental health professional.

In researching for this blog, I was provided a very informative and helpful document written by a Psychologist, Registered Dog Breeder, and Executive Director of Hope Heels Service Dogs: Dr. Aanderson.  This resource is also included below.  This document explains service animal laws across Canada, and clearly outlines the differences between a guide dog, service or support dog and pet.  It provides a decision tree to help professionals like myself navigate the important conversation with clients regarding the use of a service dog, and how this differs from a pet, in deciding whether to “prescribe” this or not.

I am sure many of us have witnessed an animal in a public space that was wearing a vest and misbehaving.  In one instance, someone in an elevator with me said to the owner of a vested “support animal” that was climbing on people “there is no way that is a service dog.”  The owner just exited the elevator without responding.  Service animal or not, it is an abuse of process and blatant disregard to the training and time that goes into true service animals to try and present a pet in this way.  Service animals provide an immense amount of support to those they are trained to help.  As professionals, we have a responsibility to continue to safeguard the true use of these animals, the programs that train them and the people that need them.  Consider using Dr. Aanderson’s guide before providing written support for these valuable four-legged aids to daily living.


Aanderson Service Dog Prescriber Guidelines

Service Dog Providers in Ontario – Current as of October 2019



Resources for Living with Dementia

Alzheimer’s Disease International estimates that over 135 million people around the world will suffer from dementia by the year 2050, and are concerned about a looming global epidemic. How can you ensure you are doing the best for your brain in the hopes of preventing dementia? The Alzheimer Society of Canada has a fantastic website that outlines the signs and symptoms of dementia, how to care for someone with Alzheimer’s disease, and how to keep your brain fit through regular brain exercise and a healthy diet.

Alzheimer Society Canada: Living with Dementia


Improve Safety in Your Bathroom

Let’s discuss the most dangerous room in the home: the bathroom. For those with limited mobility, or seniors, it is important to consider the fall risks that exist in the bathroom to ensure that people are safely able to go about daily routines. In the video below we will review bathroom hazards and will discuss the many suggestions an Occupational Therapist may make after a home assessment.

We hope you enjoy this video from our Occupational Therapy Video (OT-V) series and can use some of our tips to stay safe at home!


Top 10 Ways to Survive the Stress of Dread-Cember

Julie Entwistle, MBA, BHSc (OT), BSc (Health / Gerontology)

It was an effective exercise in venting and I feel much better. I wrote my blog on “Dread-cember” listing all the reasons I strongly dislike this month and the holiday season in general. Then, I read it over, accepted my grievances, realized I was being grumpy (albeit honest) and admitted that I don’t want to bring other people down who legitimately love this season.

However, I will equate my problems this month with one word – STRESS.  In one week it all begins…  December is, legitimately, the most stressful month of the year. Shopping and presents, food preparation, cards, socializing, crowds, different schedules and routines, decorations, spending, pressure to buy the right thing for the right person – and not forgetting anyone.

Instead of harping on all the reasons I struggle this time of year, I am going to be productive and offer some practical suggestions for people that also have issues getting through to January. Here are Julie’s TOP 10 TIPS based on my own experiences as a busy mom, but also as an occupational therapist who often helps people to break down tasks into more manageable, and less stressful chunks:

  1. PLANNING – this is everything. Often the stress of shopping is not the shopping per se, but rather the planning beforehand. Who do I need to buy for? What will I get them? When do I need to deliver it or mail it so it is received on time? Spending endless hours in the mall looking for the “right gift” works for some, but for others some planning ahead of time can really reduce the stress of the season.
  2. ORGANIZATION – plan it, buy it, store it, and then cross it off your list. Make separate lists – cards to send, presents to buy, food to coordinate, functions to attend, decorating to do – then set it and forget it. Pull out one list a week, tackle it, and then discard. Repeat.
  3. START EARLY – don’t be a dude (sorry boys) and end up in the mall on the 24th. If you do, say hi to my husband. Seriously though, starting early can really reduce the pressure to get it all done in time. Personally, last year I was done my shopping September 9, and this year I bought my first present in February and was done in August. Soon, I will use Boxing Day to shop for the next Christmas. But being done early lets me focus on other things in December, and allows me to avoid the crowds and chaos on the roads and in the malls.
  4. GIVE BACK – nothing says Christmas more than charity. Think of those less fortunate, donate your time, no-longer used items, or money to those that are less fortunate. Get your kids involved with this by sponsoring a family, sorting through toys they no longer need, or having them come with you when you drop off donations. Have a social gathering and in lieu of a hostess gift, ask for items for the local food bank.
  5. GET OUTSIDE – I agree with this completely. Cold schmold. Put on some layers and get some fresh air. Snow is beautiful, the air is crisp, and getting outside will really assist with de-stressing and avoiding seasonal affective disorders. If it is windy, hit the trails to escape the wind chill. If you are alone, listen to some tunes. Last winter I would always hike with my snow pants on so that if the mood struck, I was freely able to stop for some snow angels (which I do).
  6. MAKE A BUDGET AND STICK TO IT – this world of abundance does not mean we need to live that way. What can you afford? Make a list within your budget, total it, and stick to it. Financial strain is stressful anyway, let alone this time of year when there are high expectations to buy the right gift, that “wow” item, and to think of so many people. Simplify – draw names, play a gift-giving game, or just consider “togetherness” and a pleasant meal as your gift to each other. Consider giving people photos you have taken in the year that you can print in larger sizes for minimal cost, or do what we do and make a DVD of the kids from the year set to their favorite music for the grandparents. This year, we realized we have a bunch of Visa points and will be clearing these off to save our bank account.
  7. MAKE IT PRACTICAL – Sometimes the practical gifts are the best. Kid’s activities are expensive and some money towards the hockey skates, dance outfit, or Karate uniform would be appreciated by most parents. Or, everyone needs haircuts and Mom’s love Starbucks or Tim’s, getting their nails done, a massage, or maybe even a house cleaning service as a treat.
  8. LAUGH – Never underestimate the value of a good laugh. Time with friends or a good movie can do wonders for the psyche during this hectic time. My favorite holiday movies are Christmas Vacation and Elf, and of course the timeless A Christmas Story. Grab some eggnog or a warm tea, curl up with a blanket and laugh for a while…
  9. SIMPLIFY – try buying things online. They come to your door! Shopping online provides a practical way to compare prices, avoid the crowds, save some travel and search time, and to look around without being bothered. Toys, books, games – these are all great online gifts.
  10. DELEGATE – can anyone help you? Perhaps provide a list of items to your spouse that they can grab on their lunch break maybe for the teachers, bus driver, or the table gifts or stocking stuffers. Do you have a parent that can hit the mall with a list for you? Can the kids help you with stuff envelopes and mailing these? You don’t need to tackle the stress of Christmas alone.

But the biggest thing I think we need to realize is that not everyone enjoys this time of year. For some, it will bring terrible or sad memories, guilt, pressure, stress, financial hardship, anxiety, and loneliness. Respect that not everyone can manage this season as they would like, and if that means you are missing a card, an email, present or phone call from someone you expected to hear from, let it go. We all have different capacities to manage stress, and the holiday season is no exception.


Previously posted December 2014



Keeping Up Appearances: Social Media and Self-Esteem

Guest Blogger:  Susan Wang, Occupational Therapist

In the current age of media, the internet and social media sites (especially Instagram) contribute heavily towards bombarding young girls with images and videos of models. Approx. 90% of adolescents use social media daily, frequently for more than 2 hours a day.  Girls are more exposed in higher rates to media than boys which make females much more vulnerable to the negative impacts of media than boys. With the rise of social media use for marketing and advertising, content creators and models can interact heavily with their viewers through comments and live videos. They create heavily curated profiles and document intimate moments of their lives that thousands (sometimes millions) of individuals follow and keep up with. This, in addition to the popularity of Instagram use by celebrities, can create the illusion of forming authentic relationships with their audience. The interactive nature of social networking also provides opportunities for girls to compare their appearance with their peers. For example, taking selfies may cause women to scrutinize their own image from an observer’s perspective, which is then further reinforced by instant feedback on their appearance through the form of comments and ‘likes.’

Social media presents unique pressures on body dissatisfaction and disordered eating. It is a highly visual environment in which appearance ideals and the pursuit of thinness are promoted. Indeed, the interactive nature of social media appears to contribute to increases in disordered eating. As social media marketing and advertising continues to grow, competition amongst content creators and “influencers” also rises. There is a need to create a persona and create images/videos that stand out amongst the thousands of other marketers competing for the same sponsorships. This results in models utilizing photo editing apps to alter their images. With the rise of “FaceTune” and other photo editing apps, it is increasingly easier for individuals to alter their images, without needing to consult professionals or develop skills in photo editing. This has resulted in girls comparing themselves to unrealistic beauty standards.

In addition, celebrities such as Kim Kardashian have normalized the usage of surgical enhancements. Lip injections, breast augmentations, “fillers”, and other cosmetic surgery has been on the rise in recent years.  Cosmetic doctors have reported an increase in teens seeking lip injections, citing photos of Kylie Jenner as an inspiration. Studies have shown that women who rated their self-esteem, life-satisfaction, and attractiveness as low, were more likely to undergo cosmetic surgery.  This study also indicated that women with high social media exposure were more likely to undergo plastic surgery.  There is also an increase in the number of teenagers seeking plastic surgery. In 2017, approximately 220,000 cosmetic procedures were performed on patients aged 13-19 and social media plays a large part in this trend.  The average Millenial takes over 25,000 selfies in their lifetime, which is one of the major reasons for the self-esteem issues in this age group. In a recent American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery survey, more than 40% of surgeons said looking better in selfies on Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook was an incentive for patients of all ages getting surgery. This is magnified for teens, who use social media more often.

Instagram vs. Reality

There are existing efforts to combat the rise in unrealistic beauty standards by raising awareness about the increasing use of photo editing apps. One such example is a community on the forum “Reddit” that posts side-by-side comparisons of edited images posted by models and celebrities and non-edited photos or videos depicting what they actually look like. While some of the posts contain borderline offensive/body-shaming comments, the concept can be helpful, especially for young girls, in highlighting the efforts and altering (posing, editing) that goes into celebrities’ images.

Some additional helpful resources we came across include:


Brown, A., Furnham, A., Glanville, L., & Swami, V. (2007). Factors that affect the likelihood of undergoing cosmetic surgery. Aesthet Surg J, 27 (5). 501-508.

Paul, K. (2018, October 10). Do Instagram and Snapchat distort how teenagers see themselves? MarketWatch. Retrieved from

Paul, K. (2018, September 30). More than 200,000 teens had plastic surgery last year, and social media had a lot to do with it. MarketWatch. Retrieved from

Fardouly, J., Diedrichs, P. C., Vartanian, L. R., & Halliwell, E. (2015). The mediating role of appearance comparisons in the relationship between media usage and self-objectification in young women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 39, 447–457.

Oberst, U., Wegmann, E., Stoft, B., Brand, M., & Chamarro, A. (2017). Negative consequences from heavy social networking in adolescents: The mediating role of fear of missing out. Journal of Adolescence, 55, 51-60.

Costa, L. D. C. F., de Vasconcelos, F. D. A. G., & Peres, K. G. (2010). Influence of biological, social and psychological factors on abnormal eating attitudes among female university students in Brazil.

Journal of Facial Plastic Surgery (2014). Selfie trend increases demand for facial plastic surgery. Retrieved from

Salmela-Aro, K,, Upadyaya, K., Hakkarainen, K,, & Lonka, K. (2016). The Dark Side of Internet Use: Two Longitudinal Studies of Excessive Internet Use, Depressive Symptoms, School Burnout and Engagement Among Finnish Early and Late Adolescents. Journal of Youth and
Adolescence, 46 (2). DO – 10.1007/s10964-016-0494-2

de Vries, D. A., & Peter, J. (2013). Women on display: The effect of portraying the self online on women’s self-objectification. Computers in Human Behavior, 29, 1483e1489. .

Spettigue, W., & Henderson, K.A. (2004). Eating disorders and the role of the media. The Canadian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Review, 13 (1), 16-19.



Healthy Workplace O-Tip of the Week: Follow the 20-20-20 Rule

Our O-Tip of the week series we will be providing valuable “OT-Approved Life Hacks” to provide you with simple and helpful solutions for living.

October is Occupational Therapy Month and Healthy Workplace Month!  In celebration, for the month of October, we will be providing you with OT-Approved tips for a healthier day at work.

Staring at a screen all day? Try applying the 20-20-20 rule… your eyes will thank you for it! Here’s how it works: Every 20 minutes look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Get into the habit and you will significantly reduce the risk of vision-related headache and fatigue.