
Author Archive for: jentwistle


Keep the Faith… in Insurance? I Think Not.

I think as a society we have lost faith in insurers.  I don’t know many people who still believe that an insurer, any insurer, will be forthcoming with benefits or reimbursement at the time of claim.  I see many people, before claiming, actually weighing the pros and cons between the monies they should be entitled to and possible insurer delay, deny, mistreatment, and likely future rate increases.

My parents have some epic insurance examples in the world of travel.  Once, the place at which they were booked to stay went bankrupt.  They requested reimbursement through their travel insurance.  Surprise!  It does not cover bankruptcy, only if the place became unsafe for occupancy.  So my mom said to them “it is unsafe for her to vacation at a place that is bankrupt”. In another instance, extensive flooding caused the vacation destination to cancel the trip.  So, they again turned to cancellation insurance.  Surprise!  Their trip cancellation insurance did not cover trips being cancelled.  What?

I work in the world of insurance and I can tell you that there are still a wonderful number of insurers that really try to make the application and claims process as painless as possible.  After all, most of the people I see are in enough pain already and plenty of insurers get that.  Then, there are the ones that don’t.  Those are the insurers that have been jaded through poor training, company culture, talk at the water-cooler, or the one too many surveillance videos that caught someone being fraudulent.  I often wonder if some insurers are trained to make the process of claiming so difficult so that people eventually just give up and move on.

My solution to the perils of insurance is for people to start shopping for insurance based on feedback from people who have claimed, and not just on who offers the cheapest price.  Like most things, you will get what you pay for and cheaping out on insurance can result in crappy treatment at the time of claim.   And what happens when people are treated crappy?  They turn to the legal profession, and guess what?  This costs the insurers more.  In all insurance, especially auto, insurers need to exercise good faith, respect, understanding and compassion and this will go a long way in creating a more sustainable product.


Movember Is Here: Embrace the Power of the Moustache

Halloween is over, but for men across the world it’s time to sport another new look: the Movember Moustache.

Movember began in Australia in 2003 and has gained global popularity ever since. Movember is an extremely popular movement across the globe which involves growing a moustache for the 30 days of November in an effort to raise money and awareness about men’s health issues, specifically prostate and testicular cancers, and mental health.

The following video, as part of the global Movember initiative, discusses some common men’s health issues and gives one simple prescription for each.


Howdy Partner!

I believe in all those wonderful phrases that encourage risk taking and that try to convince people that fear drives personal growth and development.  I took a major risk two years ago when I decided to return to school for my MBA.  Having little formal business training beyond an entrepreneurial father and my own school of hard knocks, and even less faith in my math abilities, I knew that this challenge would be the intellectual stimulation I needed to take my brain to the next level.  And it has – time and time again.  I now think differently and approach problems with more strategy and big picture thinking than ever before.  I can also calculate bond returns, but I will save that as a party trick.

Fast forward to last Friday, and I embarked on major risk # 2.  With my new-found business thinking, and general desire to do more with my business than my abilities as one person allows, I joined forces with a colleague to forge a new journey.  Exciting, fun, a bit scary, but a great decision.  Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy was born!

People are mammals.  We need each other.  It has been well studied that people with reduced social outlets, a lack of love, or even animals and babies not nurtured at birth, do not fare as well as mammals that receive love, socialization, and affection.  I believe that while studies highlight the challenges of business partnership, people need to treat this like a marriage.  It needs to be entered into with respect, trust, and an absolute faith in the skills of the other person.  There will be ups and downs, challenges and successes, but in the end, two will be better than one.  I believe this to be true in business also.

In the words of Garth Brooks: “don’t stand along the shorelines and say you’re satisfied.  Choose to chance the rapids, and dare to dance the tides”.   I agree Garth, I agree.