
Tag Archive for: food for thought


A New Way To Track Nutrition

Researchers are currently developing and testing a simple test that can reveal the truth about your diet. This simple urine test will be able to shed light on what a person has eaten, making management of health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity and more a simpler, more effective and dependable process. Learn more about the research and development in the following from CTV News.

CTV News:  Did you eat your veggies? Urine test can tell


Patience, not Pressure Help A Picky Eater

Occupational therapists often help to address the common issue of picky eating.  An important strategy used to help expand a child’s food repertoire and make mealtime more enjoyable is to remove the pressure!   All meal time experiences should be kept positive to allow for the development of a positive association with food. Keep meal time playful and fun with no coercion or pressure to consume anything and this positive meal time environment will create the necessary foundation for food exploration.

The following article written by Casey Seidenberg, a Mother and Nutrition Counsellor, discusses how lifting the pressure worked for her family.  Check it out here and learn more of her secrets to success!

Independent:  Why you shouldn’t lecture your children about healthy eating

Learn more about resolving the picky eating problem in our informative OT-V Video:  Solutions For Picky Eaters.


Protein – Can You Overdo It?

The following from the New York Times discusses the very popular protein bar and shake industry that has been booming in recent years.  While protein is an important part of your diet, experts are warning that people who consume multiple shakes and bars each day might be consuming too much protein.  Take a look at the article to learn more about the concerns and to ensure you are getting the amount of protein you need.

The New York Times:  Can You Get Too Much Protein?


Bagged Salad Concerns

Prepared, bagged salads are great time savers that allow you to get your greens without the lengthy prep work.  However, research suggests that due to processing, these prepared foods can grow harmful bacteria including salmonella.  Be sure to always check the dates when consuming any of these salads and learn more about the potential dangers of these convenient foods in the following from Global News.

Global News:  Here’s why your bagged salad is a food poisoning risk