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Ergonomic and Safety Tips for Pain-Free Gardening

Do you have, or are aspiring to have, a “green thumb?”  Or do you simply enjoy beautifying your home or spending time connecting with nature?  Whether you garden for pleasure or purpose you may be reaping many of the health benefits, however, you may also from time to time suffer from a sore back and achy muscles brought on by the hard work and bending involved.  Take a look at the following article from Sunnybrook which discusses simple ways to prevent aches, pains, and injury when gardening so you can enjoy your garden all season long. 

Sunnybrook– Your Health Matters:    How to avoid pain or injury while gardening


Reap What you Sow: Healthy Benefits of Gardening

If you haven’t planted your garden already, now is the time!  In recent years there has been a rise in the number of people growing vegetables and fruits in their backyards, patios and even on rooftops.  Why?  From health benefits to financial savings, there are many benefits of growing your own food and working in the garden.

Check out the following article from Reader’s Digest to learn about the ways gardening can benefit your health and get growing today!

Reader’s Digest:  10 Surprising Ways Gardening Is One of the Healthiest Things You Can Do



How Does Your Garden Grow?

If you haven’t planted your garden already, now is the time!  In recent years there has been a rise in the number of people growing vegetables and fruits in their backyards, patios and even on rooftops.  Why?  From health benefits, to financial savings, to helping the earth there are many benefits of growing your own food.

Check out the following article from Prevention Magazine to learn more.

Prevention:  6 Health Benefits Of Gardening



Gardening is Therapeutic—Make it Accessible for Everyone!

Gardening provides a therapeutic outlet mentally, emotionally and physically. It can provide exercise, fresh air and it is well known that spending time outside connecting with nature is good for your soul. Those with disabilities may find the bending, reaching and digging associated with gardening difficult. “Carry On Gardening” in the UK, in association with “Thrive”, is an organization that helps people with a wide range of disabilities to get into the garden. The following from their websites provides tips and guides on how to create and maintain an accessible garden.

Carry On Gardening:  Top Tips for Disabled Gardeners