
Tag Archive for: food for thought


The Sunshine Vitamin

With the colder months upon us it becomes harder to naturally take in enough of the “sunshine vitamin:”  vitamin D.  Vitamin D is important for your health to support healthy bones, immunity, the nervous system and more.  The following from Eat Right Ontario discusses ways to take in vitamin D over the fall and winter months when the sun does not provide enough.

Eat Right Ontario:  What you need to know about Vitamin D


A Warm Cup Of Soup

Nothing warms you up on a chilly day like a nice hot bowl of soup.  With chilling temperatures and an abundance of healthy root vegetables now is the perfect time to make some delicious soups.  These soups can be enjoyed immediately or frozen for enjoyment throughout the cold winter months.

Check out the following healthy recipes from Health Magazine and enjoy!

Health Magazine:  12 Healthy Soup Recipes


The Halloween Hangover

Parties, costumes and of course candy: for kids, and kids at heart, Halloween is always fun! But among the pile of candy is a hidden pile of sugar that is detrimental to their health. Now that the fun is over, how do you as a parent limit the amount they consume? Check out these great tips from on ways to reduce candy consumption.

Kids Health:  15 Ways To Use Leftover Halloween Candy



Your Best Thanksgiving Yet!

This upcoming weekend we celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada.  A time for delicious food, time with family and friends and feelings of gratitude.  If you are hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year the following guide from Canadian Living magazine will provide you with fantastic recipes and entertaining ideas to help you have your best Thanksgiving ever!

Canadian Living:  How To Have The Best Thanksgiving Ever


Eating Well Can Reduce Cognitive Decline

Eating well is important at all stages of life for many reasons.  As we age, healthy eating becomes increasingly important to lower risk of heart disease, reduce the risk of diabetes, provide energy– the benefits are endless.  And now, a new study shows that eating well as you age can help to reduce the risk of cognitive decline.  Check out the following from CBC Hamilton which discusses the study in depth and provides additional motivation to maintain a healthy and nutritious diet.

CBC Hamilton:  Healthy diet for seniors tied to lower risk of cognitive decline


Healthier Take-Out Options

Convenience is king when it comes to dinner.  With busy schedules at work and at home many more are finding it hard to find recipes, shop for ingredients and prepare meals on a daily basis.  Back in the day we had only unhealthy choices, such as ordering pizza or hitting up the fast food drive through, but today there are much healthier options.  Check out the following from Shape Magazine on a new trend that’s making convenience healthier.

Shape Magazine:  Are Food Delivery Apps Making Us Slimmer?



Pack A Healthy Lunch

Back to school is just around the corner!  A main concern of parents when the kids are in school is providing proper nutrition in school lunch bags every day.  Ensuring kids have a healthy breakfast to start the day and a healthy lunch mid-day is important for concentration and productivity throughout the day.  The following from Best Health Magazine provides some tasty and nutritious school lunch ideas that are kid tested and parent approved!

Best Health Magazine:  15 healthy back-to-school lunch ideas



Pack A Balanced School Lunch

Today most elementary schools in Ontario have a “balanced day” lunch.   This means that instead of the traditional long lunch period mid-day, students have 2 nutrition breaks allowing them to eat in the morning and afternoon.  This is helpful for both the mind and body as it helps regulate blood sugar, continuously fuel bodies, and heighten concentration.  The following from Eat Right Ontario discusses more of the benefits of a balanced day lunch program and provides you with helpful tips for packing a healthy lunch each and every day.

Eat Right Ontario:  Food for a Balanced School Day



Peaches are Plentiful!

It’s August and that means it’s time to enjoy a very tasty and nutritious in season fruit —the peach.  Peaches have many nutritious benefits as shown in the following infographic care of  Enjoy them today before they’re gone!

